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Explore life in Western Crete – Kissamos – Elafonisi

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The fly that kills olive trees

Olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae) is believed to have originated in the Mediterranean region where there are records of infestations in fruit from the third century BC. It is also found in eastern and southern Africa where wild native olive trees are found and where there are more natural enemies.

Economic Importance and damage
The adult female can lay 50-400 eggs, usually one in each fruit. These hatch into tiny larvae (maggots) that are very difficult to see until they feed for a while and get larger. While feeding, they tunnel throughout the fruit, destroying the pulp and allowing entry of secondary infestation of bacteria and fungi that rot the fruit and greatly increase the free fatty acid level (acidity) of the oil. Feeding damage may cause premature fruit drop. Oviposition stings caused by the female laying the eggs inside the fruit destroy the value of table fruit.

Check for more information this pdf document

It normally visits Crete around this time and chemicals are used to fight it. In order not to use too much chemicals the farmers of Vlatos are now measuring how many flies are where in order to fight them efficiently without an overkill of chemicals. This is the first time the Vlatos farmers work together in this, chapeau!

A simple but effective fly trap


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